Thursday, 31 March 2011

A Great Song & Video

This is my current favorite song that I discovered through a YouTube video that my boyfriend sent me just yesterday. There's something about this video that is so beautiful despite the fact that it's a snowmachine... something you would normally think of to be so loud and well, not beautiful, that's for sure.

About Me

I've decided to write about ME today. Not because I'm selfish and I want to do is talk about myself. Quite the opposite, actually. I'd like you to know about me so you can feel like you know me when you read my words. You know, form some sort of weird, one-sided relationship. You read about me. I have no idea who you are. Perfect, right? For me it is. I don't do well with friendships. I've always been a loner of sorts. I would much rather daydream about my future rather than sit and pretend to enjoy mundane conversations. I was recently informed my one of my senior students that there's a big difference between daydreaming and what he likes to call, "musing". His definition of musing is when you're doing one thing but thinking about another in great detail. In fact, he said he tends to muse to such great detail that he sort of blanks out and forgets he's driving. He's almost caused several accidents. I'm very grateful that he realized this and decided to sell his car and take himself off the road. Now that is what I like to call a responsible senior!

So anyways, I've never had friends for long periods of time growing up but not by choice. We moved. A LOT. In fact, I went to three different schools in the second grade. My brother, sister and I were all born in different provinces. It would feel like as soon as I was getting to know someone, oh sorry, we're moving again. I would try to do the "keep in touch" stuff with letters and phone calls but it never worked out. We didn't have the internet and social media back then. "Back then". That's funny. I sure know how to make myself sound old. Really, I'm not old. My life is just beginning at 28!

Now that I'm old enough to buy my own groceries and pay my own rent, I've decided that I am here to stay in this little town I now call home. Ever since I was a little girl, I always imagined living in a log cabin on some land, being married to a blond-haired, blue eyed, handy man and having 4 children together. Things didn't work out exactly as I had daydreamed but it's so close it's scary. I did things backwards though. I started having kids first, then went to college. Now I'm happily living in sin with my boyfriend who just so happens to be a blond-haired, blue eyed, handy man and we have 4 children.We're on the fence about a 5th. As I mentioned yesterday in my first blog post, we're in the "saving" process for a house to call our own. I doubt it will be a log cabin on land since house prices here are outrageous. It is my prediction that now is the time to buy before this new golf course is finished. I can see house prices soaring after that.

I work several jobs. My main job is with the District. Amazing job. I also teach a few small computer classes at our local library. I am also the web designer for one of the largest fundraising companies in Canada. It was total fluke landing that one. I was recently asked how I landed that job right out of school with such little experience. I had to laugh because *I* didn't "land" that one. It fell into my lap.I like to think of myself as "Successful".

Interests, I have many. I love anything outdoors. Camping, swimming in lakes, mountain biking, hiking, walking in general. Wait, I don't love everything outdoors. I take that back. I really dislike bugs. *shudder* I love gardening, plants, flowers and vegetables. I haven't been able to do any of that these past couple years for fear of small children uprooting all my hard work. Maybe in a few years, after we've established ourselves in our new home. I love swimming and reading. I've kept a journal most of my life but I always have this need to start in a new book once I haven't written for a while. This is part of my reasoning to start a blog. I can just change the look of it should I get bored with it. I can also type a lot faster than I can print or hand write so it's easier to get thoughts out of my head.

I also love to cook and bake. This is something else that has stuck with me all my life. I can remember the first recipe I ever wrote down on paper. Peanut butter & Banana sandwiches in the sandwich maker. I still have that recipe in my baby book that my Mom put together for me. These days, I enjoy cooking large family meals. Turkey dinner with all the fixings is my favorite meal of all time. I like to experiment with new recipes and making my own. I will try anything once. As for baking, my most recent was a Neapolitan cake for my boyfriend's birthday. Five layers of delicious, over the top, WOW! It was all made from scratch.Two layers of strawberry cake, two layers of chocolate cake and one layer of vanilla and all topped with a strawberry buttercream icing made from the good ol' stuff; eggs, sugar, butter and strawberries..... I LOVE CAKE!!!!

Anyways, I've droned on enough about myself I think. I started this post at 8:00am. It's now just after 12:00 Noon. Between tending to my children, cleaning and eating, doing things for myself is sometimes put on the back burner. If there's anything else you feel is imperative you know about me in order to continue this wonderful, one-sided relationship, just ask....

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

I'll Keep You Posted

First day of my very own blog. I thought I had this all planned out in my head. How great it would be to start a blog. I was daydreaming of being this amazing writer and getting discovered and making lots of money. So much that I wouldn't have to save up a down payment for a house. I've never been good at saving money. In fact, all purchases in my life until this point have been impulse buys. I can remember being given $50 when I was a kid. I went straight to the music store on Main Street and bought a cassette. Dance Mix '95. ♫♪♫♪ Saturday night and the air is getting hot, like you bayyyybahhhhh ♫♪♫♪  Ohhhkayyyy, starting to date myself now....

Anyways, my boyfriend and I have been saving up to buy a house and so far it's going rather well. We're two-thirds of the way there in only 3 months. Pretty amazing if I do say so myself! Now here's the problem. Houses here are expensive! We have been scouring the 'net to find that perfect home, in the perfect location in our perfect little town. Pffft. No such luck so far. I'm not good at waiting either. Thankfully, I have the all "realistic Aries" for a boyfriend to help tame my wishy-washy, Picsean ways. I'm really hoping that with spring nearly upon us, that more houses in our price range will go up for sale soon. I'll keep you posted on that.

As for spring, I don't know that it's ever going to come. We were walking uptown for groceries the other day. No, we're not poor. We have a vehicle. We walk for exercise and in attempt to be "green" and save a little more money to put toward our down payment savings. Anyways, we were out for a walk and I saw the very first Robin of the season. Dead. On the road. Niiiiiice. My guess is that was a sign that spring is never going to come. I'll keep you posted on that.

Until next time...